Troop 70 Scoutmasters
Troop 70 has been blessed with strong leadership. The uniformed leaders have done a great service for the troop, community, and the boys. The Scoutmaster exemplifies that leadership in their dedication of time, talent, and treasure.
A.P. Rollins 1930—1932
During the fall of 1930, a group of citizens got together and formed Troop 70. A. P. Rollins, was the first troop Scoutmaster. He served in that position for two years. The troop was formed with just 33 youth members and just a small number of adult leaders. Meetings were held at University Park Elementary School. The school was brand new as it opened its doors for the fall class entering that year.
Ira J. Russell 1932—1936
After A. P Rollins stepped down as Scoutmaster, Ira Russell became the second scoutmaster. Of the first nine scoutmasters, Mr. Russell served the longest with 4 years as Scoutmaster. He was served in that position from 1932 - 1936 and presented four of the first five Eagle Scout awards earned in the troop.
J.E. Johnson 1936—1937
George Haas 1938—1940
Jimmie Trexler 1940—1941
L. F. Lundy 1941—1943
A.P. Rollins, Jr 1943—1944
Andy Rollins was the first Eagle Scout in Troop 70. He received his award in 1933, just three years after the troop was founded. His father was the first scoutmaster. Andy was to attend the first B.S.A. National Jamboree in 1935 which was postponed until 1937 due to a disease outbreak. He went on to a distinguished career in the military.
Frank Shotola 1944—1944
G. Bert Jones 1945—1946
Lon Sailers 1946—1984
Lon was scoutmaster for 38 years. Under his leadership the troop grew and gained local and national recognition. He stressed the basics of camping and insisted on participation and uniforming. There are 238 scouts who received their Eagle award during his tenure. Lon passed on to the troop eternal on December 7, 1985. Mr. Sailers was Wood Badge trained, vigil member of the Order of the Arrow, recipient of the Silver Beaver Award, among other honors. He attended the 1950, 1953, 1957, 1960, 1964, 1969, 1973, 1977, and 1981 national jamborees and the 1963, 1967, 1971, and 1975 world jamborees.
Dan Herndon 1984—2012
Dan first joined the troop as an assistant scoutmaster in 1964. He served as an assistant with Mr. Sailers and assumed the position as scoutmaster when Mr. Sailers' health declined. Dan shares in the accolades for his many years of service to Scouting and to Troop 70. He has also served as a jamboree leader for the 1969, 1973, 1977, 1981, and 1985 national jamborees. Dan is a recipient of the Silver Beaver Award and the Lon Sailers Excellence in Leadership award. His son Leslie is a Troop 70 Eagle Scout and son John was a troop member for several years.
Howard Crissey 1985—1988
Howard became scoutmaster during a very difficult time for the troop. He provided a guiding hand as the troop transitioned from a long time beloved leader to new troop leadership. Howard is Wood Badge Trained and has received the Scouter's Key. Howard attended the 1989 national jamboree. His son Ryan received his Eagle award in the troop.
Jim Phillips 1988—1992
Jim is the first Troop 70 Eagle scout, under Lon Sailers, to become scoutmaster. He received his Eagle award in 1957. Jim returned to the troop when his son joined in the late 1970s. He has served the troop as patrol dad, troop committee chairman, assistant scoutmaster, and as scoutmaster. After serving as scoutmaster for four years, he continues to serve as an assistant scoutmaster and as Institutional Representative. He received the Lon Sailers Excellence in Leadership Award in 1992 and the Silver Beaver award in 2005. Jim is Wood Badge trained and has been active in the district and council serving as the North Trail Advancement Chairman since 2002. He attended the 1989 jamboree as a jamboree scoutmaster.
Charles Holmes 1992—1996 and 1998—2005
Charles earned his Eagle award in Troop 70 in 1968. He has served in several capacities since 1976 including as an assistant scoutmaster, treasurer, and now of the troop committee. After four years as scoutmaster, he took a two your break to organized and lead the 1997 National Jamboree contingent for Circle Ten. Then he returned for seven more years as scoutmaster. Charles has served as the Jamboree Chairman for Circle Ten Council for the 1997, 2001, 2005, 2010, National Jamborees as well as the 1998, 2002, 2007 World Jamborees and as the regional chairman for 2011 . Charles is Wood Badge trained, served as a staff member on fourteen Wood Badge courses, including as Course Director. He has attended seven National Jamborees and seven World Jamborees as Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, and BSA contingent staff. He has received the Silver Beaver, Scouter's Key, Training Award, Distinguished Scoutmaster Award, International Scouter knot, Colonel Henry Combs service award, and Silver Antelope. Additionally, Charles has served as the Chartered Organization representative for the troop from _____ though 2019. He also has held various positions within the district and Circle Ten Council, including serving on the Council’s Board of Directors and currently as The Executive Director. He has two sons, Grant and Carson, both Troop 70 Eagle Scouts and are active in the troop.
Bob Pospick. 2005—2009
Bob is the third Troop 70 Eagle Scout (1971), under Lon Sailers, to serve as Scoutmaster of the troop, He has earned the Training and Silver Beaver awards. Bob has attended five National Jamborees either as the Scoutmaster or an assistant and one as a staff member. He received his Wood Badge beads in 1986 and has served on two Wood Badge staffs. Bob has served the troop as an Assistant Scoutmaster from 1981 to 2005 when he became Scoutmaster in June at the 75th Anniversary Celebration. Bob is the father of two Troop 70 Eagle Scouts. After serving as Scoutmaster, Bob has remained as an assistant providing key experience to the new leaders.
John Shipes 2009—2012
John has been active in Troop 70 for several years. He first became an Assistant Scoutmaster in 1997 when his older son was a Scout in the troop. John's service has included designing fund raising pieces and as the "official" Eagle candidate photographer. John is a world class photographer as his profession so that part came really easy for him and a great benefit to the troop. He recently served as Scoutmaster 2009-2012. John is Wood Badge trained and has served on Wood Badge staff. He is the father of two Troop 70 Eagle Scouts. John now serves on the West Park District Committee and as Scoutmaster for the newly formed “girls’ troop”, Troop 72G, in the Park Cities.
Charles Cochran 2012—2017
Charles and his family moved in to the Park Cities in 2009. He has two sons in the troop that are Eagle Scouts and has served as Scoutmaster of Troop 70 from 2012 through 2017. Charles has completed the Wood Badge training course and has served as a Wood Badge staffer as well. He served as an Assistant Scoutmaster at the 2010 National Jamboree at Fort A P Hill, in Virginia, and served as Scoutmaster for the 2013 National Jamboree, at the Bechtel Summit, in West Virginia. He has also led multiple high adventure treks to Philmont, Northern Tier and Sea Base. Charles was awarded the Silver Beaver Award, in 2017. He serves Scouting in other capacities as well including serving as the West Park District Committee Chair, and other multiple roles within the district, the Southern Region and as a board member of Circle 10 Council.
John DeGroote 2017—2021
John served as Troop 70's Scoutmaster from 2017 through 2021 and is the father of two Troop 70 Scouts. John served as the Scoutmaster for Troop 70’s National Jamboree Troop in 2017 and has served as an adult leader at Camp Constantin every summer from 2015 through 2020. John previously served as the Cubmaster for Cub Scout Pack 55, at St. John's Episcopal School, for four years and was a participant at Wood Badge 108 and a staffer at Wood Badge 120. John is a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow and an Eagle Scout. As a Scout, John participated in the 1981 National Scout Jamboree and in high adventure treks at Philmont Scout Ranch and on the Appalachian Trail. While a Scout, John served his Troop as Senior Patrol Leader, which he still counts as the best leadership training he ever received. Outside Scouting, John serves as a mediator, arbitrator, and court-appointed trustee in complex business disputes.
Jade Edwards 2021—2024
Jade formerly served as Cubmaster and Den Leader for Pack 71 (HPISD at Bradfield Elementary), where his son Jackson earned his Arrow of Light in 2019. Jade received his Wood Badge Training at Philmont Scout Ranch and received his beads in 2018 (WB #123). Jade currently helps with the troop’s Trail to First Class Program. He is the President of a national event staffing company. Jade is married to Christi and is the father of a Troop 70 scout and a daughter.
Chris McNeill 2024—present
Chris earned his Arrow of Light in Webelos in South Carolina in 1987, and as a youth was a member of troops in South Carolina, Washington State and Mississippi until he moved to Nairobi, Kenya where he earned his Eagle Scout in a U.S. Embassy troop in 1993. Chris served as Cubmaster and a den leader of Pack 2016 in Circle Ten Council from 2016 until his oldest son earned his Arrow of Light in 2021. After serving as a Committee Member with another Circle Ten troop for a year, Chris and his son joined Troop 70 in May 2022 where he served as an Assistant Scoutmaster leading our Trail to First Class program until May 2024. Chris received his Wood Badge Training at Philmont Scout Ranch in 2022 and received his beads in 2023 (WB #138), and attended the National Jamboree in West Virginia with Troop 70 in July 2023. Chris completed his Order of the Arrow ordeal in March 2024. When not in Scout uniform he is a corporate, securities and M&A attorney with a national law firm. Chris is married to Amanda and is the father of two sons, one in Troop 70 and one in Pack 70.