Joining Fee
When a Scout joins Troop 70, they are provided with several Troop 70 specific items, including a neckerchief, a slide, and other items. All of this and more is covered by the joining fee.
Annual dues are separate and should be paid by September 30th.
When a Scout joins Troop 70, they are provided with several Troop 70 specific items, including a neckerchief, a slide, and other items. All of this and more is covered by the joining fee.
Annual dues are separate and should be paid by September 30th.
When a Scout joins Troop 70, they are provided with several Troop 70 specific items, including a neckerchief, a slide, and other items. All of this and more is covered by the joining fee.
Annual dues are separate and should be paid by September 30th.
The joining fee is a one-time fee paid to the Troop for each Scout.